Best Foods; Worst Foods

The two healthiest foods in all of nature...
(according to Sonny, that is)
For as long as I've known him, my dad has been telling everyone what he considers the best foods to eat, and the foods to avoid.  And often, you don't have to ask Sonny for his opinion on this subject, he'll tell you, no matter what the setting, who else is around, and what context it comes up.  

For the past few years, this is what he feels is one of his purposes in life:  to share all that he's learned, researched and lived... not just to his family and close friends, but to anyone who cares to listen.  There will be a lot to post on this subject, but I haven't had the time to look up some of his "greatest hits" from my e-mail archives.  The list of foods is long.  There are many surprises, and a few obvious choices... but usually the foods suggested are backed up with many surprising details that are hard to argue with.

Fortunately, a conversation Friday night with one of my youngest son's friend's moms who works in the medical profession led to a discussion about health and diet, with many questions about the pros and cons of a vegan diet... resulting in this new post:

On Jan 21, 2012, at 1:44 PM, wrote:

The two healthiest foods in all of nature are egg yolks and mothers milk!!! Each will stand alone as a perfect nutrition to grow and maintain the progeny!!! In addition milk contains all the short chain saturated fats like lauric acid which along with the antibodies in raw unpasteurized, unhomogenized raw milk protects from infections! 
Frank and his siblings were all raised on mothers milk and Certified Walker Gordon raw milk!!  Dietary fat especially saturated fat gets the blame for obesity and health issues when in fact most fat passes thru our digestive system when we are eating glucose forming starches! That is why the only really successful weight loss program was the Atkin's diet!! It also was the healthiest of all the diets!! Adult onset diabetics were cured!! Heart problems went away. The concern for kidney problems were non existent except in those who took aspirin and other NSAID drugs. The healthy carbs he ate were berries and cream, nuts, beans, avocado, all fresh fruits and veggies.   Sonny

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