Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Best Foods; Worst Foods

On Feb 25, 2012, at 10:48 AM, SonnyStern@aol.com wrote:


Salmon is the best source for the Omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which protect from heart disease and arrhythmia problems, as well as many other health issues. 

Forget mercury contamination!! How many cases of mercury deaths or problems are reported each year, as compared to heart deaths! The ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 should be one to one! In this country it has changed over the last 60 years and is now as bad as fifty or sixty to one, because of the widespread use of vegetable oils which contain only Omega 6. The fear of seafood because of mercury, PCBs, and other problems have been blown out of proportion. 

BEST FOODS:  Protein

This includes animal and aquatic, as well as certain vegetation which contain all the essential amino acids. Keep in mind that a cow, which is a vegetarian, can eat only grass and because of the rumen can convert and break the cellulose down to glucose in the rumen.  The grass is the source of all the minerals and nutrients needed for normal growth.  The growing animal will turn this into bone, muscle and fat!!  Red meat is the best source of B12 and folic acid that are essential to control homocysteine and prevent heart disease.

Seafood is also an important food now recognized as a source of the omega 3 essential fatty acids, as well as the protein needed for growth and good health. Certain seafoods are especially important as the only rich source of essential vitamins and minerals.

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